27 Facts and Bits of Info To Make Yourself a Little Smarter
Nathan Johnson
If you find yourself at a party this weekend struggling to talk to someone you hardly know or you just want to impress the people you do know; here are some interesting, albeit, random facts we've collected to help make you a bit more interesting.
If you play your cards right, there is almost a guarantee someone will ask you, "Why do you know this?" You can lull your prey into a sense of comfort by starting with the first six. They're safe for any crowd. But once you've got them hooked, tell them how the only way to judge an alligator's gender is by putting your finger inside their body, that should play well.
And if you find yourself up late partaking in some party enhancers, #8 should spark a good conversation.
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The difference between a nook and a cranny is that a nook is a corner and a cranny is like an narrow opening. -
Nepal is the only country in the world whose flag isn't a rectangle -
A jiffy is an actual unit of time. It's 1/100th of a second. -
Otters hold paws while sleeping so they don't drift away, and can form some pretty impressive structures called "rafts" when they're in a large group. -
You can fit a lightbulb into your mouth, but will likely have a very hard time of a time getting it out. -
Velociraptors were about the size of a turkey. -
The spikes at the end of a stegosaurus tail is named after a character from the Far Side cartoon. -
That most car horns play an F4 on the first space of the treble clef. -
If the Sun was the size of a white blood cell swimming through your veins, the Milky Way would be the size of the continental United States. (Really puts into perspective just how small we are.). -
The back of tigers ears have a white spot to resemble eyes so they scare off things that look at them from behind, sort of like a peacock. -
You have to stick your finger inside an alligator to find out its gender. -
Ohio is the only state in the US that doesn't share a letter with the word mackerel. -
As a child of the 80's (born 1983), I still remember my mother and my grandmother's landline phone number. My mom moved at least twice since then and don't even use a landline anymore. My grandmother died like 10 years ago. -
Ants can’t take fall damage because their terminal velocity isn’t fast enough to break their exoskeleton. -
Morphologies of onomatopeias are written differently according to the language and I appreciate how to say "meow" in different languages. -
You can calculate the circumference of the universe with a margin of error less than the diameter of an atom if you have 60 digits of pi. Thus, any further digits are completely useless. You're welcome to all of you that memorized 100+ digits back in school. -
Male swallowtail butterflies have eyes on their [male genital] so they can position themselves correctly when mating. -
There are 96 bags of human waste on the moon. -
The wax/metal tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. -
Some people have voluntary control of their Tensor Tympani muscle in their inner ear. They can make a rumbling noise in their ears at will by tensing it. Hand when there is loud noise around to kinda reduce it as you walk past. -
You can hypnotize chickens by drawing a line on the dirt and make the chicken look at the line. -
I'm an expert with binary. Also- Honey is the only natural food that is made without destroying any kind of life. What about milk you say? A cow has to eat grass to produce milk and grass is living. -
By volume, the sun generates heat at the same rate as a compost heap. -
The sticks on modern game controllers are called "analog sticks," not "joysticks.". -
I just learned today that E is the most used letter in the alphabet. -
I learned abour elephants although it’s not useless in a sense could save somebody. It about how to determine if elephant charge is real or fake. If it’s ears are fanned wide and are upward it’s a fake charge. If its ear are tucked behind its a real charge. Whatever the case just get out of there. -
When Wizards of the Coast tried to expand Magic the Gathering to appeal to the Chinese market they released a set of cards based on Chinese mythology and introduced a new mechanic called horsemanship. It is functionally similar to flying, in that flying creatures are blockable only by other creatures with flying (or if they have reach), except that creatures with horsemanship can *only* be blocked by other creatures with horsemanship. The cards never really took off and the horsemanship mechanic was buried, so the horsemanship skill was limited to this one set of cards which are quite uncommon these days. What this means is that if you build a deck specifically around abusing the horsemanship mechanic, 99% of opponents won’t really be able to do anything about your barrage of attacks. Of course there are plenty of ways around this like removing the creatures directly or boardwipes that remove all creatures, and there are a handful of new cards that reintroduced it, but there’s a good chance you’ll get quite a lot of damage in before they can get their strategies to fire off. -
When we first switched from old, cheap coffins to new, sealed coffins they kept blowing up. It was later discovered that a decomposing body releases gases, ~~and the problem was fixed by installing valves in the coffins
- 27 Facts and Bits of Info To Make Yourself a Little Smarter
The difference between a nook and a cranny is that a nook is a corner and a cranny is like an narrow opening.